Reading time: About 1 minute
This is my weekly installment of “writing about writing,” in which I scan the world to find websites, books and articles to help other writers. Today I discuss a video for creatives about self-worth…
If you’re a writer who struggles with self-worth, it’s time to take a closer look at the process you’ve adopted for writing.
My hunch is that you spend a lot of time questioning your value and then procrastinating. Disagree? Talk a look at at brief (5-minute) and very funny video about how to draw a cat.
While the video is ostensibly aimed at visual artists, I think anyone who does “creative” work will get a chuckle at the 17-step process that includes plenty of time for “research” but little time for actual, uh, creating.
Most of us creatives are worried, competitive perfectionists far more eager to clean the house and to accept compliments than to do the tough work associated with creating something new. My favourite line from the video? (Step 2: “Unless I can draw that perfect cat, I’m not going to draw at all.”)
The next time you’re tempted to procrastinate on a writing project, take five minutes to watch this video first. With luck, you’ll recognize that writing doesn’t have to be a tortuous process. Instead, it can be fun and interesting — as long as you don’t get in the way of yourself.
And for tips on how to improve your creativity, see here.