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Double your writing speed and improve the quality of your work at the same time

The ability to write faster is a game-changing advantage for any writer.

It doesn’t matter if you’re an academic writer, a marketing writer or an aspiring book author.

And, on top of writing faster, I bet you’d also like to make the process more creative and less painful. Oh, and improve the quality of your writing, as well.

But many writers, even professional ones, just grit their teeth to get the job done. By any means possible. Even if it’s unpleasant

Hi, I’m Daphne Gray-Grant. And for the past 25 years I’ve helped thousands of writers double their writing speed while improving the quality of their work at the same time. Rather than tell you to get up earlier in the day to write or ask you to spend more time writing, I’ll teach you how to spend LESS time on the job, and get more value — and enjoyment — from those precious minutes.

Ready to transform your writing speed? Start by downloading a free copy of my 10-minute tutorial on unblocking your writing.

  • Reading time: About 4 minutes Do you want to improve your sentence structure? Here are seven types of sentences that you should eschew…. I like reading text that sounds as if the writer is speaking to me. I also like …READ MORE
  • Reading time: Less than 1 minute This is my weekly installment of “writing about writing,” in which I scan the world to find websites, books and articles to help other writers. Today I discuss a blog post about knowing what …READ MORE
  • Reading time: Just over 1 minute I like to share interesting pieces of figurative language I encounter in my reading. I write today about a series of similes from John …READ MORE
  • Viewing time: 4 mins 9 secs  The Write Question is a weekly video podcast about writing that I started in 2017 and that ran, more or less weekly, until April …READ MORE
  • Reading time: About 2 minutes Gina Brown says that many talented writers become stymied by limiting thoughts. Read on to learn how to defeat these thoughts…. Gina Brown is a …READ MORE
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founder of four startups relating to coaching, careers and education

Daphne, your post got more than 600 likes on Facebook.
Thanks so much for writing something people care this much about.

Penelope Trunk


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founder of Action Marketing, a service that turns independent professionals
into confident marketers

What I got with Daphne was more than an editor,
but a partner in making my book the best it could be.
I’ll be referring her to many clients.

Robert Middleton


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Associate Director, International Student Development, University of British Columbia

On my second attempt at submitting my thesis, my supervisor recommended that I look for a writing coach. I found Daphne. My thesis is finished, and I now function in my writing life and my work life in completely different ways. Daphne helped me identify the challenges that were keeping me from achieving my goals.

Michelle Suderman, EdD


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