
Want even more support? My one-year course, delivered weekly by email, walks you through the steps of becoming a better, more confident writer. There’s even a monthly call where you can share your challenges and successes with me and other writers in the program.

Already registered? Access lessons here.

Fear goes by many names: resistance, procrastination, imposter syndrome, perfectionism. Don’t let these barriers hold you back! Instead, let Daphne show you how to get around them with a series of 18 practical videos designed to help you eliminate fear from your life. Audio-only and text-only versions of the material are also available to everyone.


Writing a book or a thesis and having difficulty? Long-form writing presents its own challenges and psychology, but I’ve developed a three-month group to support you. Groups start on the first Monday of every month. And after the first segment, you can roll over into a month-by-month program. Application required.

Here’s the fastest way to improve your writing: get some one-on-one coaching with me. There’s nothing prepackaged about this! I’ll address your questions and focus on exactly what you want. You have two choices: a one-off session or four hour-long sessions. (Other options available on request.)


Do you procrastinate over writing? Does the writing process fill you with fear and dread? Writing a first draft needn’t feel like pulling out your fingernails. In fact, my book can help turn your crappy first draft into a happy one. And the premium version comes with videos and other support.

Do you need to learn to write faster, better? My practical, useful book has already helped thousands of people like you from all around the world. It gives you the tools to write quickly and without pain. The premium version comes with audio and additional support.


Most bloggers want their writing to be persuasive, convincing, compelling and grammatically correct. Do your blogs hit all those notes? It’s surprisingly fast and affordable to have me (and my team) review your work before you post it.

For corporate services such as training and crisis communications, click here.

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