Not wrecked by yoga

Word count: 192 words

Reading time: Less than a minute

When it comes to dangerous jobs, writing hardly ranks ups there with logging, fishing and roofing. But appearances to the contrary, it has significant physical drawbacks. Think of hunched over shoulders, aching wrists and the danger of sitting.

That’s why my website of the week today is Five-Minute Yoga. I love this site, the dandy little app that sits on my iPhone and iPad and the wonderfully written blog that’s produced by  Eve Johnson. Not many yogis have her writing skills (she’s a former journalist) and precious few writers have her ability to do yoga, so I think she presents a unique — and useful — package for any writer.

Looking to fix your aching shoulders? She has advice.

Tight hamstrings? (This is one of the evils associated with sitting too much.) Eve has suggestions.

Curious about the psychology of building your own yoga habit? Read on.

If you don’t build some sort of regular exercise into your life as a writer then you are sentencing yourself to plenty of pain later on. How dumb is that? Don’t procrastinate! Figure out how to add more balance to your writing life, even if you don’t choose to stand on your head.

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