Meet Mr. Media Training!

Word count: 227 words

Reading time: Less than 1 minute

Here is a blog on crisis communications that will interest certain corporate communicators. 

I do a little bit of crisis communications — that is, advising people who are facing media problems. I stumbled into this sort of work mainly because of my background in newspapering and while I don’t do very much of it, I find it invigorating. I’m the kind of person who LIKES stress and deadlines and crisis communications is full of both!

Recently, I discovered the blog of someone who makes a fulltime job of crisis communications. He calls himself Mr. Media Training but his real name is Brad Phillips. He’s a former journalist with ABC’s Nightline and CNN’s Reliable Sources. I’ve been reading his blog for just a few weeks now but so far I agree with pretty much everything he says. My favourite column of his is on how to handle smart phone distractions during a speech. I plan to try some of these techniques during my next speaking engagement. Can hardly wait to test the “Play That Funky Music” line! If you ever give speeches, be sure to check out this post!

And if you do crisis communications, please have a look at his blog.

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