How to find a book editor

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This is my weekly installment of “writing about writing,” in which I scan the world to find websites, books and articles to help other writers. Today I discuss a blog post revealing how to find a book editor….

I have worked as a professional editor at a weekly newspaper and a large metropolitan daily. I have also worked, briefly, as a book editor. As well, I have worked with a book editor on my two books, 8 1/2  Steps to Writing Faster, Better and my upcoming Your Happy First Draft.

Editing is an essential part of the writing process. To a certain degree, you can edit your own work. But only to a certain degree. All professional writers have editors, and anyone who aspires to be a successful writer needs an editor as well.

If you are writing a book, especially a self-published one, you need to hire an editor. Here’s where a post by writer and former agent Nathan Bransford, can help you. Under the headline “How to find and work with a book editor,” Bransford describes the difference between various types of editors, and diverse kinds of editing.

If the question, “do I really need a book editor?” has ever crossed your mind, please be sure to read this blog post. Bransford gives detailed and accurate information that will help newbies and experienced writers alike.

He also gives helpful suggestions for how to find your own book editor. That Bransford has been both a successful agent and a successful author himself makes his advice all the more trustworthy and believable.

And if you’ve decided you’re ready to hire a book editor, consider my affordable course, How to Hire An Editor.

An earlier version of this post first appeared on my blog on June 10/19.

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