How to be a better editor
If you want to become a better editor you just need to learn a few rules and techniques. Don’t worry — the rules aren’t as scary as your grade 8 English teacher might have led you to believe. And once you know what to do, then editing can even become fun and liberating! Read more, below.
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Get a sharp and speedy second pair of eyes for your work
The life of a blogger can be both lonely and terrifying. How do you make sure that a silly error doesn’t make you look like a fool to your clients and potential customers? And, most of all, how do you know if your writing is good enough to share with the entire world?
All professional writers have editors. (Did you know that Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald and Jane Austen were terrible spellers?) And non-professionals need editors, too.
Two concerns usually stop them from getting editing:
- The time. My deadline is too tight for editing!
- The cost. Editing is way too expensive!
But Daphne and her team accept contracts from a limited number of bloggers and turn around the post in less than 24 hours. They are very fast, so the cost stays reasonable.
Are you ready to improve the quality of your blog?