Write a book with me: 2013-2014

Welcome to the team of writers participating in my 2013-2014 program Write a Book With Me. The 10 of us are writing our very different books (and two theses) together!

The monthly list of each participant’s writing accomplishments is included below each name. So far, I’ve let the individuals determine whether to record the writing time or the word count achieved. (Later in the year, I’ll ask everyone to switch to word count.)

Each participant has two days off per week, symbolized by XXX. (Ideally, these are two consecutive days.) Holidays are show by the letters HOL.

Photos of all participants, as well as the working titles of their books, and a brief description are included. (We are arranged in alphabetical order, by surname, although I have put myself last.)

I don’t yet know whether I’ll be repeating this program in Fall 2014 but if you are interested please email me and I’ll put you on a notification list.


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Jenny Feuerpeil: 90 Days in Kyoto

This guide to the hidden gems of Japanese gardens in Japan’s Old Capital follows the steps of German garden designer and Japanophile Jenny Feuerpeil as she makes her biggest dream come true — learning the ancient art of Japanese garden culture from a well-known garden master in Kyoto.


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Susan Furtado: Our New Dietary Supplementation – Creative Energy (thesis)

Nurturing one’s creative spirit has a lot to do with maintaining a healthy and vital life. Life itself is all about creative growth. It is one thing to be alive — and quite another to feel alive. Honoring our instinctive need for creative experience and expression is the best way to live long, stay well, and enjoy vitality.

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Ange Frymire: The Way Home

After turning 40, interior designer Lorna McDennon is haunted by her father’s murder of 37 years ago. Her mentally ill grandmother – for whom Lorna is caregiver, sole grandchild and only friend – is falling into the abyss of Alzheimer’s with renewed paranoid mutterings about her son’s disappearance. When family problems and a mystery stalker pivot Lorna into unstable emotional territory, even her therapist is worried about her client’s descent into depression.

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Virginia Hughes: How We Care: A quality assurance handybook

How We Care is an inspiring, handy collection of facts, policies, drawings, and stories about how we care for our patients and each other and get even better at helping them get better, faster. A remodel of our out-of-date employee and OSHA handbooks, it adds three wings – quick start guides, quality improvement storybooks, and board policies – under one roof of quality assurance.

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Eve Johnson:  How to Practice Yoga: A friendly guide for everyone who has ever wanted a home yoga practice but couldn’t quite make it to the mat

Home practice is the line that divides people who take yoga classes and feel good temporarily from people who transform their bodies and their lives through yoga. Drawing on lessons learned from 30 years of practice and 13 years of teaching, certified Iyengar yoga teacher Eve Johnson offers inspiration and practical strategies that will bring you back to your mat time and again.

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Yehudit Reishtein: Going Up, Coming Home

If learning a new language and adjusting to new circumstances keep the brain young, my elderly body houses a very young brain. The year since I moved to Israel has been a continuous education: learning Hebrew, becoming Israeli, and developing a familiarity with a new geography, history, and definition of Home. My book will discuss this process.


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Cathy Ringham: The social organization of nurses’ work with late preterm infants (thesis)

The late preterm infant is an important national and international public health concern. Childbearing women and their late preterm babies may experience health complications leading to extraordinary physical, financial, and emotional burdens. They also use a larger portion of healthcare resources than their full-term counterparts. My research will describe the social relations and institutional processes coordinating neonatal nurses’ work with newborns whom are late preterm.




Deborah Torkko: Understanding Janette Turner Hospital

This book will serve to bring to the fore an important writer whose fiction has for too long eluded the literary critical mainstream. It will assist readers in analyzing the literary style, better understanding the relationship between fictional content and narrative structure, and more fully contemplating the complex connections between fiction and the world. The book’s objective is to inform, refine, and extend the readers’ capacity to apprehend more fully, and in all its narrative complexity, Hospital’s fictional world.


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Daphne Gray-Grant: A good egg: my life in recipes

A child of the late 1950s, I was born into a traditional world with a father who worked and a mom who cooked, sewed and looked after children. Raised to be a compulsive over-achiever, I never shied away from doing what were then considered “male” things — like debating and getting a degree in political science — but I also enjoyed cooking. This book is a remembrance of my growing up years, through the lens of my mother’s recipes.

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