Losing faith that you’ll ever complete your thesis, dissertation or paper for a peer-reviewed journal?

Maybe it's because...

If any of this resonates, you’re not alone. And you shouldn’t feel bad, because...

FREE workshop:

 “How to become a better self-editor”

Friday, June 19
1 pm Pacific

Register here if you’d like to attend the event

how to stop procrastinating

Application deadline for

Get It Done:

Thursday, Feb. 20
Group starts March 1

DEADLINE for applications for the next Get It Done group, is

Friday, April 24

(Group will begin May 1) Complete application form here 

Writing is thinking. To write well is to think clearly. That’s why it’s so hard. ~David McCullough

making negative feedback positive

Your writing struggles aren't your fault!

Nor are they a reflection of your intelligence or competence. It’s the system that’s failed you, and fixing the problem is simpler than you think.

Here’s what’s gone wrong: No one has taught you how to write.

Sure, you may have had a teacher who corrected your spelling and grammar — or forced you to do outlines. But most colleges and universities just throw people into the deep end of the pool, already expecting them to know how to write.

A lucky few managed to do it without drowning. How? Perhaps they had extra support at home. Maybe they were naturally gifted at writing. Maybe they were just lucky.

Whatever the reason, they developed their own structure or system for writing and figured out how to apply it to their project. You shouldn’t feel embarrassed that you couldn’t do that. If anything, be embarrassed for the education system, which failed to support you.

What if you could learn a simple, proven and highly effective system you could easily implement right now in your academic project?

And what if you could finally finish your writing project with confidence and pride, knowing you’ve mastered a skill that will benefit you for a lifetime?

Unlock the simple steps to conquer your writing obstacles

Hi, I’m Daphne Gray-Grant, founder of The Publication Coach. I’ve cracked the code for turning academic writing from a daunting task into an enjoyable and productive habit.

And that’s exactly why I created the Get It Done program. Since 2013, I’ve helped more than two thousand people who’ve taken this program write better with far less effort, time and energy. This has enabled them to predictably complete their writing projects with ease, freedom and confidence.

What’s more, my coaching clients start to enjoy the writing process. Instead of writing being a millstone around their necks, it becomes a source of pleasure and joy.

I’d love to help you do the same. But first, let me explain why I’m uniquely qualified to help you.

How I conquered procrastination and made writing enjoyable

For years I suffered from exactly the same problems you face. At college, I hated writing. Producing my honours thesis was my worst nightmare. Even when I eventually became a senior editor at a large metropolitan daily newspaper, writing still made me feel stressed and uncomfortable — a feeling I felt obliged to hide.

Editing, I loved. Writing? Not so much. I usually procrastinated and delayed until every writing assignment became a crisis. I felt inept and miserable and worried I might lose my job if others figured out how incompetent I was.

When I left the newspaper business (to become a mom to triplets), I spent the next couple of years studying how to make writing both easier and faster. After that, I more than doubled my own writing speed, and people started asking me to coach them on how to improve their efficiency too.

And here’s what happened: Formerly reluctant academics started telling me how much they suddenly enjoyed putting words on paper. Post-grad students who had procrastinated on their dissertations became able to complete their work with no problem. Tenure-track professors who’d despaired of ever being able to find the time to write started making four journal submissions per year.

Encouraged by these results, I turned my approach into a program that allowed me to help more people. That’s what I’m sharing with you today.

Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers.
~Isaac Asimov

Here’s how works


It separates writing from editing. 

Like many other people, you’ve probably developed the habit of editing while you write. This is a hard habit to break (I know because I’ve broken it myself). Tackling each of these tasks separately is the first step to making writing more fun and a whole lot faster. I will give you the seven tips that worked for me and all my other clients.


It harnesses the value of consistent action. 

Remember the old joke “How do you eat an elephant?” One bite at a time. A thesis, dissertation or paper for a peer-reviewed journal is just like a pachyderm. It’s big and hard to move. But if you work on it a little bit at a time, you can get it to move in exactly the direction you want. Do a little bit every day instead of trying to do a whole lot at once.


It makes you accountable. 

How do you ensure that your elephant moves? Get It Done participants report their progress to the private program website once a day, five days a week. You determine how much time you’re able to spend and how many words you can produce, then you report your progress every day. Since I started this program, just about every participant has told me that this step alone is what’s changed their writing life.

is PERFECT for you if…

  • You have an academic writing project that you need to complete. If you’ve already written a rough draft, that’s okay. Editing is just as challenging as writing, and it benefits just as much from support.
  • Even though you’ve run into false starts before, you are DETERMINED to finish your project this time.
  • You have the energy and commitment to work for at least 15 minutes a day, five days a week.
  • You don’t mind the idea of being accountable to someone else for your writing project. In fact, that would take a big load off your shoulders.
  • You welcome the idea of meeting other like-minded individuals who are also working on their own writing projects that are similar to yours.
  • You’re willing to work hard and try new tricks and techniques, and you will enjoy the satisfaction of finally holding your finished work in your hands.

is NOT for you if…

  • You have too many commitments/distractions to allow you to spend at least 15 minutes per day on your writing (and, down the road, a minimum of 30 minutes per day editing, when you get to that stage).
  • You expect that if you sign up for this program, someone else will do the writing for you.
  • You’re not interested in interacting with others — you think it’s silly or dumb to share your thoughts and achievements with a group of people working to do exactly the same thing.
  • You don’t like to follow suggestions from other people — if someone says “black” you say “white” as a matter of principle.

Here’s what you’ll learn

Positive results

I began Daphne’s writing program with terrible anxiety and fear, never anticipating the positive results I would have with my PhD dissertation. I no longer feel panic or tension every time I sit at my desk to write. Now, I most often feel eager to get my ideas onto paper. So many scholars need to write for publication. It is a crazy cycle of pressure for all of us. But I am so grateful to Daphne for coaching me through very difficult times. She made, and still makes, all the difference to me and my writing practice.

Cathy Ringham, RN BSN PhD
Postdoctoral Scholar, Faculty of Nursing
University of Calgary, Alberta

The nitty-gritty details…

Get It Done is a three-month program from your starting date. Why? Since I started this program in 2013, I’ve found it takes all academics a minimum of three months to build the habits needed to become confident writers. If you want to stick with the program after the first three months are up, that’s okay too, and you can continue on a month-to-month basis at a reduced fee.

Once enrolled in the program, you’ll receive access to an account on the special program website. There, you’ll be able to download videos and PDFs and connect with other members of the group. This is where you’ll also be expected to report your writing achievements five days each week.

I’ll be monitoring the group daily, and I’ll be expecting to hear from you! If you run into problems or difficulties with your writing, here’s a safe place where you can ask me, or other members of the group, your toughest questions and make your requests for support.

As well, we’ll also meet as a group four times each month. (Meeting days and times change each month in response to the time zones of participants.) We meet by Zoom, which makes the call no-charge if you use your internet connection. If you can’t make it, all the meetings are recorded so you’ll still have access to them.

Academic success depends on research and publications.
~Philip Zimbardo

Frequently Asked Questions

People sometimes worry that Get It Done will make writing a full-time job. Or that it will take vast amounts of time. Not true! In fact, the opposite is the case. Participants in the program will be required to spend only 15 to 30 minutes per day writing (or editing) for five days each week. That’s a minimum of no more than an hour and a quarter per week. I bet you spend more time than that chatting with friends in the student union building (or scrolling social media)! If you’ve never developed the writing habit, then you might even start with only five minutes a day and build up slowly from there.

If your schedule permits, I always suggest you do your writing in the morning. (If that’s not possible, however, you can identify another time.) You will also need to report into our group website five days a week with your time and your word count. On this site, you’ll also have the chance to interact with other members of the group as well as download some videos and PDFs with information and support.

No problem! If you simply want to develop the writing habit, this program can help you do that too.

Just one difference: The Premium program comes with three 30-minute one-on-one coaching sessions with me. You can schedule these on my calendar, once a month, at a time that works for you.

Yes! Writing and revising/editing are entirely different activities, but both require discipline and support. This program provides support and accountability for whatever stage you’re at.

Yes! Here’s a list of some of the places participants have come from so far: Australia, China, England, France, Germany, Israel, Singapore and Taiwan.

No problem. Everyone receives a recording of these meetings.

If you’re writing a paper for a peer-reviewed journal, the answer is, perhaps (depending on how much time you have and how diligent you are). But if you’re working on a thesis or dissertation, three months almost certainly isn’t enough time to finish it. But what you can do in this time is develop the writing (or editing) habit. Once you have the habit, you can work on your own, if you wish. Or, after the three months, you can continue with the program on a monthly basis, at a discounted rate.

This program will not do the writing for you. Whether you ultimately finish your writing project depends on your own hard work. That said, if you do the work and find the program doesn’t help you, there’s a generous and detailed refund policy described below.

My specialty is dealing with the psychological challenges faced by academic writers. I don’t edit theses or dissertations any longer. But for anyone who purchases the Premium program, I’m happy to devote the one-on-one meetings to face-to-face editing for the 30 minutes available. I can also give you full contact information for the best and most experienced editors I know and a detailed description of how to find other ones.

How much does it cost to Get it Done?

Completing your writing project and overcoming procrastination is a challenge that could take years to master on your own, costing you countless opportunities and causing much frustration along the way.

The Get It Done program will drastically shortcut this process for you. I’ll guide you directly to what works, why it works and how to achieve results quickly and effectively. As a result, you won’t have to struggle through the same pitfalls many academics face. Instead, you’ll be in a position to start making consistent, measurable progress on your writing projects from day one.

I’ve distilled the program material into its most essential components. I understand your time is precious and you’re already juggling numerous responsibilities. That’s why I’ve focused on providing only what you need to get results FAST.

No fluff. No extraneous information. Just the critical strategies and tools to transform your writing process immediately.

Equally important, I’ll help you build the confidence to tackle any writing challenge, turning what once felt like a burden into an enjoyable, productive habit.

Your investment in the Get It Done program is a one-time payment of $595. Or, if you’d like additional one-on-one support from me, you can join for just $1,175.

Consider this: The value of completing your academic writing projects, advancing in your career and developing lifelong writing skills is immeasurable. By investing in this program, you’re setting yourself up for ongoing success and satisfaction in your writing endeavors.

Imagine submitting your writing projects on time, every time, and gaining recognition for your contributions. The return on your investment begins the moment you start applying what you learn in the program.

Are you ready to get started?

Application deadline is Feb. 20.
Group starts March 1.

 Foundations programPremium program
Access to Get It Done program  
Ability to email Daphne privately  
Introductory one-hour coaching with Daphne  
Weekly group meeting, held on Zoom. Members of the group come from around the world, so meeting times vary significantly each month. All meetings are recorded.  
Daily accountability questionnaire  
Access to a private chat group allowing you to speak with Daphne and other members of the group  
Three one-on-one meetings with Daphne (30 minutes each) — addressing topics/questions of your choice  

$595 U.S.


$1,175 U.S.


If you live in and order from Canada, you will be charged in CDN$ + GST. All others will be charged in US$.

P.S. Still have questions about Get It Done? Please email me.

A 60-day "Write it. Report it"
money-back guarantee

If you’re skeptical about what Get It Done can do for you, let me put your worries to rest: Instead of the typical 30 days, I’m giving you 60 days to participate in the program — including the live meetings — so you can give Get It Done a fair test drive.

I’m more than happy to let you have this time because I’m certain that the program works — provided YOU work. Just understand that this is not a savings and loan situation — you can’t drop off your money today and come back two months later after having done nothing.

That said, when you do the work but it doesn’t pay off, it’s my fault — not yours. I will give refunds to people who have kept up with their daily reporting and shown that they’ve taken the program to heart. And you’ll get your money back right away. Just tell me within 60 days of registering by emailing me here.

What students are saying

Helpful & practical

The Get It Done program was so helpful to establish a real writing routine. I was surprised to see how effective it is to work on my projects each day, even for a short period of time.

Daphne’s practical advice made writing less frightening and being part of this group of amazing people breaks the loneliness sometimes associated with writing.

Sophie Bucher
Morges, Switzerland

Quicker, happier, better

I originally approached Daphne because I wanted to make my writing quicker, happier and better. She has thoroughly helped me with all three of these, and at times inadvertently served as a life coach as well as a writing coach!

What I think has been the most helpful for me has been Daphne’s gentle enforcement of a consistent writing habit and her daily coaching through email. Her tips are often short and simple, or even things I already know but have not been practising. Like a true coach, Daphne constantly reminds me to keep my head down, nose on the ball, legs apart, shoulders straight, etc., to help my writing progress and excel.  

Jason Morris-Jung
Senior Lecturer, Singapore University


How a PhD student finished her dissertation and learned to make writing and academic life so much easier and more enjoyable

Lyana Patrick not only wanted a degree in community planning, she also had to find time for her job and family. How could she fit it all in?

See more video testimonials here

Writing comes from reading, and reading is the finest teacher of how to write.
~Annie Proulx

Hope is not a strategy

Hoping that your writing struggles will resolve themselves is not a reliable plan. If you don’t take action, the challenges you’re facing are likely to persist, holding back your progress and potential.

The only way to overcome these obstacles is to address them head on. By joining the Get It Done program, you’ll finally take control of your writing process, build lasting habits and achieve your goals with confidence and efficiency.

Don’t leave your success to chance — make a proactive decision to transform your writing journey today.

Need help ordering or have questions?

If you have any questions or concerns about the course, please email me.

Are you ready to get started?

Your next step is to apply for the program. Not everyone is accepted. You don’t need to be a polished academic writer to participate, but you do need to show that you’re determined to work on your writing project.

The registration form will ask you detailed questions about your project and your current writing habits. In the process of filling out this form, you’ll learn more about yourself, and you’ll also identify which five days of the week you can commit to writing.

Complete the registration form — it’ll take you only 15 minutes.

Distinctive objectives

I have been working with Daphne for more than two years now and I’ve learned so much about professionalizing my writing. I’ve always enjoyed writing and have had some success, both academically and in business. Daphne helped me build the habit of daily writing and the value of consistent work — even if I don’t much feel like it.  

With her coaching, I was able to break the insidious habit of editing while writing. While it seemed natural, it slowed me down and often got me completely off track. Now, I work on my writing in successive passes, each with a distinct objective, taking each layer individually. It’s like peeling an onion, but with fewer tears. Thanks, Daphne!

Fred Estes
San Francisco, California

Quicker, happier, better

I originally approached Daphne because I wanted to make my writing quicker, happier and better. She has thoroughly helped me with all three of these, and at times inadvertently serving as a life coach as well as a writing coach!

What I think has been the most helpful for me has been Daphne’s gentle enforcement of a consistent writing habit and her daily coaching through email. Her tips are often short and simple, or even things I already know but have not been practising. Like a true coach, Daphne constantly reminds me to keep my head down, nose on the ball, legs apart, shoulders straight, etc., to help my writing progress and excel.  

Jason Morris-Jung
Senior Lecturer, Singapore University

Well worth the money

Even though I’m a professional communicator, I’ve always hated writing. Taking Daphne’s program turned this around 180 degrees. I now look forward to writing, and I’m doing it regularly, quickly, and with little-to-no stress. Thank you, Daphne, for everything. Your course was well worth the money.

Samantha Enslen
President, Dragonfly editorial
Tipp City, Ohio

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